Winter JazzFest 2023: Speaking of Gender Equity ~ Uplifting HERStory
The woman’s movement continues into the 21st-century when the 2023 Winter JazzFest opened with a talk dubbed “Why The Jazz World Needs Gender Equity". Moderator Melanie Charles took the stage running at City Winery NYC. As a woman of color and jazz presenter, this is a conversation that hits home. Focused on infusing gender equity into jazz, NEA JazzMaster, drummer and educator Terri Lyne Carrington was among the panelists. Carrington spoke of her own journey beginning “too soon” and earlier than most, when at the age of ten, her dad introduced her to the jazz world. Other panelists weighed in on their own experiences and the value of mentorship. The evening continued with a jazz jam showcase of female musicians, at various stages in career, performing selections from Carrington’s ground breaking book New Standards: 101 Lead Sheets By Women Composers.